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  • CHEN Yong, MA Chao-qun, ZHENG Song-bo, LI Zhao-wei
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(3): 88-97.
    Objective: To explore the intervention effect of Tai Chi push hand(TCPH) exercise on knee osteoarthritis (KOA).Method: 50 KOA patients were recruited from the community and randomly divided into control group(N1=25)and TCPH group(N2=25). The control group received unsupervised exercise rehabilitation guidance; TCPH group received rehabilitation training mainly focused on Tai Chi Pushing Hands, with 3 sessions per week for 90 minutes each time. Before and after 12 weeks of intervention, test data were collected from two groups of patients for pain visual analogue scale (VAS), Lysholm knee score scale(LKSS), lower limb strength, Y-balance test (YBT), and Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) .Result: Before intervention, there was no statistical difference in all indicators between the control group and the TCPH group. After 12 weeks of intervention, there was no statistically significant difference in all indicators before and after the control group (P>0.05). The VAS, LKSS, lower limb strength, and YBT results of the TCPH group were significantly better than before the intervention (P<0.001). The scores of depression, anxiety, and stress on the DASS-21 scale were lower than before the intervention, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); After 12 weeks of intervention, compared with the control group, the TCPH group showed significant differences in VAS, LKSS, and YBT results (P<0.001); There was a statistically significant difference in the comparison of lower limb strength and the three dimensions of the DASS-21before and after (P<0.05).Conclusion: The Tai Chi Pushing Hand Exercise Program can reduce the degree of knee joint pain, improve knee joint function, dynamic balance, and mental health in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
  • HAN Qing-song, RAN Ling-hua, XIANG Yun-ping
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 101-109.
    "Folklore" is a valued standard and an important symbol to identify and determine the authenticity of folk sports. Its study is conducive to the continuous inheritance and orderly development of folk sports in China. Based on in-depth interviews with 30 inheritors and performers of Xuwen Tengpai Gongban Dance, this research uses the method of grounded theory to construct a conceptual characteristic model of "folklore" in folk sports. The model shows that symbolic rituals are the media hub for the dialogue between humans and gods, multiple inheritance is the practical field for continuous inheritance, living state rheology is the concrete carrier of form reconstruction, integration and symbiosis are the value pursuit of high-quality development, and customs and regulations are the normative Institutional guarantee for training ethnic groups. The research suggests to build a "memory field" to activate the collective memory of folk sports symbolic ceremonies; to maintain the stability of the shared field and expand the diversified inheritance mechanism of folk sports; to grasp the law of change and systematize folk sports in the dynamic flow" Reproduction"; to maintain the symbiotic model, and seek high-quality development of folk sports in a framework system of integration and symbiosis; continue to "interact with etiquette and customs", highlighting the important role of folk sports in rural social governance. This model extracts the "folk-custom" gene of folk sports, and provides a valuable reference for building an independent discourse system of folk sports in my country, broadening the theoretical boundaries of folk sports research, and improving its theoretical system.
  • LI Yu-wen, BAI Jin-xiang
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(1): 13-24.
    The construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is the aim of the inheritance and development of the traditional sports of the Chinese nation,and the inheritance and development of the traditional sports of the Chinese nation is the effective way to construct the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, in the process of chinese-style modernization, both of them are in harmony with each other and have two-way constructiveness. The traditional sports of the Chinese nation should stand in the dimension of“History” and“Modernity”, adhere to the innovative development of the traditional sports of the Chinese nation under the guidance of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation should be guided by socialist core values, rooted in the soil of Chinese civilization, stick to positive innovation, and make great efforts to develop traditional national sports culture with Chinese characteristics Highlighting the“People-centered” value orientation of national traditional sports, promoting the all-round development of human beings and constructing a new form of social civilization; To help build a harmonious society between human beings and nature; to grasp the characteristics of Chinese civilization, to promote the integration and coexistence of traditional national sports and modern Chinese civilization in the process of modernization; to promote exchanges and exchanges among various ethnic groups in the process of integration, inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese excellent traditional sports culture has gradually become an important driving force to construct the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.
  • WANG Wei-bao
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 120-128.
    By using research methods such as literature review, historical research, and logical analysis, based on the definition of the concept of "Two Finger Zen", it is found that the origin and interpretation of "Two Finger Zen" in Chinese martial arts originated from Li Sau's "Parallel Finger" skill during the Jin and Yuan dynasties, formed from the "Practice of Zen with Fingers" of the consistent Zen master at Shaolin Temple, and enriched the "Pictographic Finger Skill" of Shaolin Five Fists during the Ming and Qing dynasties, As well as the martial arts stunt "Two Finger Zen" that developed after the New China era, it has continuously evolved, integrated, and progressed in the long history of Chinese civilization, forming a relatively complete training system for martial arts.Contemporary two finger Zen mainly has the value of cultivating the body and mind, the value of self-defense and rescue, and the artistic value of the evolution of the times. To achieve the protection of the culture of the Second Finger Zen, it is necessary to enrich the connotation of the Second Finger Zen, establish a sound academic system, increase the inheritance and protection of the intangible cultural heritage of the Second Finger Zen, implement the integration of martial arts and Taoism, strengthen the talent cultivation strategy of the Second Finger Zen, highlight the characteristics of martial arts disciplines, attach importance to the competition and performance activities of the Second Finger Zen, and demonstrate the confidence of Chinese culture.Only by integrating the essence of the two finger Zen with the excellent traditional Chinese culture can this martial arts stunt truly make the past serve the present, bring forth the new, constantly enhance the spread and influence of Chinese culture, inject civilization nourishment into the high-quality development of Chinese path to modernization, contribute spiritual strength, and demonstrate the charm of Chinese culture in the world culture turmoil.
  • LI Bin, CHEN Zhen-yong, YE Yun
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(1): 43-54.
    The logical exploration of the discourse construction of modern Chinese Wushu "strong seed to save the country" from the three dimensions of history, theory, and practice helps to deeply understand the internal logic and deep context of the discourse construction of modern Chinese Wushu "strengthening species to save the country". Using multiple historical materials for mutual verification and the method of integrating history and logic, based on the perspective of discourse construction, with the Central Guoshu academy as the center, this paper explores the triple logic of the discourse construction of modern Chinese Wushu around the core discourse of "strengthening species to save the country". From a historical logic perspective, under the joint influence of the metaphor of "the sick man of the country" and the symbol of "the sick man of the body", the trend of advocating Wushu to strengthen oneself is the logical starting point for the construction of the discourse of "strengthening species and saving the country" in modern Chinese Wushu. From a theoretical logic perspective, in the context of saving the nation from extinction and striving for survival, from the three levels of the country, nation, and society, it is hoped that the goal of national rejuvenation and national prosperity can be achieved through the expropriation of the national body, adherence to national sports, and discipline of Wushu human bodies. This is the logical mechanism for constructing the discourse of "strengthening species to save the country" in modern Chinese Wushu. From a practical logic perspective, in the narrative of the historical theme of saving the country through traditional Chinese Wushu, the Central Guoshu academy has activated the recognition mechanism of national martial arts values through various measures, adhered to tradition to build the ideological foundation of national Wushu culture confidence, promoted the construction of national cultural symbols and reshaped the national image internationally, which is the logical path for the construction of the discourse of "strengthening species to save the country" in modern Chinese Wushu. Based on the study of the discourse construction of modern Chinese Wushu "strengthening species to save the country", it is proposed that Chinese Wushu should be fundamentally guided by the will of the state, based on the logical basis of the isomorphism of the body and the country, and follow the contemporary inspiration of the development path of people's health and national strength.
  • LIANG Li-qi, CHEN Qi
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 1-9.
    The new quality productive forces in sports are material forces that rely on technological innovation to drive the integration, transformation, and upgrading of resources, promoting the development of sports towards high technology, high quality, high efficiency, and green sustainability. Combining the actual development of new quality productive forces, this paper analyzes the connotation of new quality productive forces in sports from four aspects: high technology, high quality, high efficiency, and green sustainability, and constructs the theoretical dimensions of new quality productive forces in sports from the spatial and temporal dimensions, structural dimensions, and technological dimensions. Based on the new situation facing the development of sports, it is believed that it is necessary to strengthen the leading role of technological innovation, expand the support of the sports industry, strengthen the guarantee of talent training, pay attention to the guidance of social benefits, adhere to the goal of building a sports powerhouse, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces in sports.
  • LUO Xi-wen, BAO Ming-xiao
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 10-19.
    As a key driving force for promoting the transformation and upgrading of the sports industry and achieving high-quality development, the connotation and characteristics of new productive forces need to be further deepened and understood. This article analyzes the connotation of the concepts of new quality productivity and high-quality development of the sports industry, and explores the driving mechanism of new quality productivity in promoting high-quality development of the sports industry, including five aspects: technological innovation, industry integration, demand driven, policy systems, and green sustainability. It demonstrates the key role of new quality productivity in improving sports competitive performance, enriching sports consumption experience, and promoting industrial structure optimization. Further analyze the key issues that affect the formation of new productive forces and the high-quality development of the sports industry, including insufficient scientific research and innovation, unsmooth industrial integration, unclear demand and supply, incomplete institutional environment, and lack of green concepts. Propose effective path choices for these issues, such as strengthening scientific research and innovation, promoting industrial integration, clarifying demand positioning, improving institutional environment, advocating green development, etc. The aim is to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the innovative development of the sports industry, help realize the dream of becoming a sports powerhouse, and promote comprehensive social progress.
  • XIONG Huan, ZHU Mei
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(3): 1-12.
    Based on literature research, this article provides a comprehensive review of the development trajectory, research achievements, and future trends of Chinese sports sociology since the reform and opening up. We have observed that Chinese sports sociology has undergone a process of evolution from its introduction and establishment phase to rapid growth and onto a phase of disciplinary introspection. During this period, research themes have become increasingly in-depth, diversified, and specific, with a particular focus on mass sports, sports and development, and sports and politics. These focal areas not only reflect the trends and societal demands of sports development during the period of social transformation but also highlight a profound concern for specific groups, social issues, and management systems. From a theoretical perspective, the analysis has evolved from early Marxism and functionalism to a mid-term integration of functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism, demonstrating significant interdisciplinary characteristics. The research methods have shown a trend from early quantitative approaches to an increasing application of qualitative research methods. Looking to the future, Chinese sports sociology should deeply integrate theory with practice, emphasizing the diversification of research methods to achieve a balanced development of humanistic care and scientific spirit. Simultaneously, it should continue to explore and innovate in the areas of sports discipline localization and internationalization, technology application, and interdisciplinary research. This is to adapt to the new demands of the era's development, promote the prosperity and progress of the sports discipline, and contribute its unique value to a broader academic knowledge domain.
  • PENG Li-ao, LIU Ming-yi, JING Yan, KONG Nian-xin, YIN Zi-kang, CAI Jing-jie
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 48-57.
    The quality and effectiveness of youth Track and Field reserve talent training is a key move for the high-quality development of Track and Field career in China, and is also related to improving the overall strength of competitive sports. In the face of the problems that exist in the organizational construction, competition system, and guarantee mechanism of youth Track and Field reserve personnel training in China, this study analyzes the experience of American youth Track and Field reserve talent cultivation from a borrowed perspective. The experience of American youth Track and Field reserve talent training are it builds the Collaborative organizational mechanism of “School + Association” to improve the integrated development of youth reserve talent training, establishes the hierarchical competition system of “Universalization + Improvement” to provide a diversified promotion platform for youth reserve talent, realizes the integrative training model of “Amateur + Profession” to drive the scientific development of ability of youth reserve talent, improves articulation training system of “Certification + Promotion” to focus on the construction of Dominance of youth reserve talent training. Based on this, it is proposed that China should utilize school sports as the core of organization to strengthen the foundation of track and field reserve talent development, take sports events as development medium to broaden the channels for selecting track and field reserves,regard scientific and systemic as training principle to enhance the quality of track and field reserve talent development, take the career certification resource as training path to enhance the coaching of track and field reserves.
  • KANG Yihao, WANG Xiangfei, YANG Haichen
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 58-68.
    Based on the case analysis, the evolution of public opinion or the proper path is analyzed. Taking “Xiao Ruoteng incident” as an example, based on the life cycle theory, this paper comprehensively uses the methods of text sentiment analysis and LDA topic mining to study the evolution of public opinion. It is found that the life cycle of dispute judgment public opinion can be divided into outbreak period, weakening period and dormancy period, forming the public opinion evolution logic of “dispute judgment-network nationalism-patriotism”. At different stages, the main issues and emotional tendencies of public opinion are different. The trend of the issue is : outbreak period ( focusing on dispute judgment ) → weakening period ( focusing on country relations ) → dormant period ( emphasizing support for Chinese athletes ). The logic of emotional evolution takes negative emotion as the starting point and the disappearance of neutral emotion as the end point, which reflects the “emotional polarization” of bidirectional degree.Therefore, some suggestions are put forward to prevent and guide the public opinion of dispute judgment in large-scale international competitions : do a good job of pre-competition preparation, and formulate a work plan to deal with the public opinion of sudden dispute judgment ; it is necessary to dynamically grasp and classify the public opinion of dispute judgment, and respect and adhere to the principle of sports autonomy.
  • SHEN Xiao-xiang, CHEN Jing-wen
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(1): 81-90.
    In the new era, high-level athletic teams in Chinese colleges and universities face a new mission and new tasks in academic management for high-quality development. This article based on the background of the integration of sports and education, uses research methods such as literature review, comparative study, and inductive reasoning to conduct a comparative study of academic management for high-level athletes in colleges and universities in China and America, summarizes the respective characteristics and differences, and provides some reference for the reform of academic management for high-level athletes in colleges and universities in China. The results show that compared to the NCAA, academic management for high-level athletes in Chinese colleges and universities has problems such as imperfect enrollment procedures, lagging behind in the development of sports-related majors, lack of characteristic courses in sports, insufficient professional learning support, and a decrease in academic standards due to reward credits. Reasonably referring to the experience of the NCAA, the following measures can be taken to strengthen the academic management of high-level athletes: formulate a national unified enrollment procedure, construct an enrollment “double selection” platform, guide universities to establish sports studies majors reasonably, strengthen the construction of regional sports curriculum alliances, accelerate the implementation of the academic advisor system, set a reasonable limit on credit rewards, and strictly control the scope of rewards.
  • DUAN Xiao-hui, GAO Yong-yan, CHEN Yan, SHEN Pein-xin, SONG Qi-peng
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 20-26.
    Purpose: Like athletes in traditional sports, eSports players have fine motor skills as well as neurological efficiency needs. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of warm-up activities on fine motor skills and neural efficiency of eSports players. Methods: Thirty-three eSports players were recruited to measure accuracy, reaction time, ring score, and changes in prefrontal cortex oxyhemoglobin concentration during a first-person shooter game in both no-warm-up and warm-up states. Results: Under the warm-up condition, the eSports players' accuracy ( without warm-up = 52.40 ± 10.36%, with warm-up = 66.38 ± 8.75%) and ring scores (without warm-up = 31 ± 6 points, with warm-up = 46 ± 5 points) were higher than in the without-warm-up condition; and the reaction times (without warm-up = 453.34 ± 38.29ms, with warm-up = 424.60 ± 34.15ms) was shorter than the without warm-up condition. Meanwhile, the changes in oxygenated hemoglobin concentration in the frontal pole region in channel 6 (without warm-up = 2.31±2.88 mmol×10-7, with warm-up = 1.12±2.90 mmol×10-7), channel 11 (without warm-up = -0.59±2.19 mmol×10-7,with warm-up = -1.84±2.85 mmol×10-7), and channel 12 (without warm-up = 1.73± 1.88 mmol×10-7, with warm-up = 0.20±2.20 mmol×10-7) showed a significant decrease in the change in oxyhemoglobin concentration compared with without warm-up. In addition, the ring count scores without warm-up were significantly correlated with the change in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the frontal pole region (channel 6) (r=0.372, P=0.033); the accuracy after warm-up was significantly correlated with the change in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the frontal pole region (channel 6) (r=-0.393, P=0.024), and the ring count scores were significantly correlated (r=-0.485, P=0.004). Conclusion: Warm-up activities may improve fine-motor skills and enhance neural efficiency in the frontopolar area of the prefrontal cortex in eSports players; the improvement of fine-motor skills may be related to the improvement of neural efficiency.
  • XIAO Yue, ZHANG Xiao-lin, GUAN Qing-wen, CHEN Run-juan, ZHANG Xiao-gang
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 69-78.
    The characteristics of "integration of schools and societies" in Japan's after-school sports services can provide useful ideas for the implementation of the "double reduction" policy in China's after-school sports services. The research findings are as follows: The historical changes of "integration of school and society" in Japan's after-school sports service can be divided into "incubation period" "sustainable development period" and "mature and stable period". From the perspective of consensus of after-school sports service, such as organization, venue and content, the characteristics of talent integration, venue integration and activity integration of school and society have emerged. The multi-subject cooperative governance mechanism, three-level decentralization system guarantee mechanism, hierarchical fund co-funding support mechanism and multidimensional evaluation supervision feedback mechanism affect the operation of after-school sports services in Japan. The experience and enlightenment of after-school sports service in our country are as follows: (1) ensuring the interests of the participants and unimpeded multi-coordinated participation channels; (2) Improve the top-level design of services and establish a management system with each performing its own duties; (3) Clarify service supply standards and form multi-channel funding methods; (4) Establish service evaluation standards and build a PDCA cycle evaluation system.
  • LI Yuan-yang, CHEN Jia-qi, GAO Kui-ting, JIANG Quan-hu
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 27-36.
    Advancing the high-quality development of the policy for allocating facilities for national fitness is the basic content of building a higher-level public service system for national fitness. Using literature, logical analysis, and other methods, and relying on the multi-stream theory as a theoretical support, this study analyzes the multiple driving forces for the high-quality development of the policy for allocating facilities for national fitness in China, and explores the practical constraints in the three sources. The study found that the ambiguity of problem identification and problem feedback windows, the imbalance between elite decision-making and mass democracy, and the weakening of the leading role of party building and government functions are important factors that slow down the start of the policy window. In order to accelerate the high-quality development of fitness facility allocation policies, we must first understand the source of problems, attach importance to key problem orientation, and improve the problem feedback window; secondly, we must grasp the source of policies, strengthen democratic decision-making, and smoothen the policy implementation mechanism; thirdly, we must promote the political source, develop the leading role of party building, highlight the leading function of government departments, and at the same time, with the active assistance of policy entrepreneurs, promote the coupling of the three sources to jointly promote the scientific development of national fitness facility allocation policies.
  • MA Yu-xuan, WANG Hui-zong
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(1): 25-33.
    In order to further clarify the formation process of e-sports user behavior and provide certain decision-making reference for the sustainable and healthy development of e-sports industry, the SEM model is constructed and analyzed based on Extended Theory of Planned Behavior and the theory of Uses and Gratifications. The results show that four kinds of demand-motivation factors, such as substitution achievement, aesthetic enjoyment, drama experience and social interaction, can positively affect e-sports users’ behavior attitude, and the social interaction factor has the most significant effect. E-sports users’ behavioral attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavior control can not only positively affect e-sports participation behavior through the mediating effect of e-sports participation intention, but also directly affect e-sports users’ participation behavior. Among them, subjective norms have the most significant impact on e-sports participation intention, and perceptual behavior control has the most significant direct impact on e-sports users’ participation behavior. E-sports participation intention plays an incomplete mediating role between the above three independent variables and e-sports participation behavior.
  • MA Ming-bing, PU Bi-wen, WU Kai-lin, HUANG Jing
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(6): 60-71.
    Peers play an extremely important role in adolescents' growth and influence their behavior Therefore, the influence of peer relationships on adolescents' physical activity behavioris necessary to explore for this study. Adopting the research tools of "Youth Exercise Friendship Scale", "Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale", "Exercise Commitment Scale" and "Physical Activity Rating Scale", we have conducted a survey on 11 colleges and universities in Guangdong and Hunan Provinces, and found that the exercise self-efficacy and exercise commitment of adolescents have a significantly positive and direct impact on physical activity behavior; in the process of the influence of exercise peer friendships on adolescents' physical activity behavior, the exercise self-efficacy and exercise commitment play a masking effect. In the process of exercise self-efficacy and sports commitment, exercise self-efficacy and sports commitment play a masking effect, and peer sports friendship plays a positive role in adolescents' physical activity behaviors under the stimulating effect of exercise self-efficacy and sports commitment. Studies indicate that focusing on the cultivation of adolescents' physical activity peers, offering more group projects, creating a sports environment, enhancing adolescents' exercise self-efficacy, stimulating students' desire for physical activity and motivation to exercise, canpromote adolescents' interest in participating in physical activity.
  • LI Dan-yang, JIA Bin-bin, XU Wei-hong
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(6): 72-81.
    Strength and conditioning is the basics of athletics, and the scientificisation of strength and conditioning training determines the scientificisation of competitive sport training. The scientificisation of strength and conditioning training based on the interface between sport science and training practice has encountered difficulties and challenges, while evidence-based strength and conditioning training provides direction for the in-depth development of the scientificisation of strength and conditioning. Based on medical evidence-based practice, this study defined the concepts and connotations of evidence-based strength and conditioning training and explored the basic theoretical framework and application path for constructing evidence-based strength and conditioning training. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Evidence-based strength and conditioning training is a systematic approach to guide training, which based on the best evidence obtained from current authoritative research results and the professional judgement of a composite training team, taking into account the training experience of the coaching team, the training hardware conditions, and the values of the athletes (the team); (2) The difficulty of evidence-based strength and conditioning training is to balance the principles of sports science, cutting-edge research evidence, and the coaching experience of the coaching team. The key point is to select cutting-edge and authoritative research evidence. (3) To practice evidence-based strength and conditioning training, we should pay attention to following aspect: understanding of the complexity for competitive strength and conditioning training, strengthening research based on the "problems" that need to be solved in the competitive sports training environment, constructing a systematic scientific system of strength and conditioning training, effectively balancing the research evidence with the coaching experience, and optimizing the multidirectional (horizontal, vertical, long-term and short-term) approach to strength and conditioning training and evaluation. strength and conditioning training, optimize multi-directional (horizontal and vertical, long and short-term) strength and conditioning testing and assessment, and strengthen the application of artificial intelligence and other technologies in strength and conditioning training. There is urgent to build a training system that is multidisciplinary and cross-fertilised, with multidisciplinary training team, integrated research and conditioning, in-depth application of big data and artificial intelligence, critical thinking and openness and inclusiveness, so as to practice the application of evidence-based strength and conditioning training in competitive sports training, and to continue to push forward the scientific development of strength and conditioning training to a deeper and deeper level.
  • SONG Ya-xin, YU Lan-fang
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 110-119.
    Meta-verse technology is a new stage in the development of network information technology, and its technology-driven, spatially virtual and realistically interactive have significant effects in breaking through the temporal and spatial limitations of fitness venues, enriching the supply of national fitness events, and improving the quality of fitness guidance and personalized services. Meanwhile ,these characteristics also bring risks of intellectual property infringement, data compliance risk, physical and mental health, identity and technology addiction to the realization of the value of meta-verse technology. By analyzing the hidden risks of meta-verse's empowerment of national fitness through the use of literature and case study , it is found that the competent administrative departments, relevant enterprises and the public should work together to overcome the risks of technology and law, raise the threshold of access to the meta-verse's national fitness events and fitness product manufacturing enterprises, review the security of data strictly, strengthen the intellectual property rights of enterprises, and guide the participants of national fitness activities to raise their awareness of prevention, in order to improve the quality of the meta-verse's services and to improve their health. fitness activity participants to raise the awareness of prevention, in order to help the meta-verse technology to be more comprehensively and deeply applied in the national fitness activities.
  • WU Wen-ting, ZOU De-xin, JING Huan-juan
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(3): 98-108.
    This paper uses the three-dimensional critical metaphor analysis framework proposed by Charteris-Black to analyze 156 reports on Chinese Olympic champions in People's Daily in 1984-2022 to reveal the metaphorical model of the identity construction of Olympic champions. Studies found that the report using structure metaphor, ontology metaphor and bearing metaphor three kinds of metaphor type and 21 seed type to construct the Olympic champion multiple identity, which using war and human metaphor construction metaphor construction for the hero, the journey of Chinese sports spirit practitioners, animal and natural metaphor construction of sports culture, cultural metaphor construction of Chinese sports heritage, entity and container metaphor construct healthy life suitors of identity. The publicity of the sports propositions of the Party and the country, the dissemination of socialist core values, the shaping of China’s national image and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind are the social drivers for the formation of the metaphorical model. Under the background of the new era and new journey, the optimization strategy of the identity construction of Olympic champions is proposed: to enrich the language means of reporting Chinese Olympic champions at the text level, innovate the discourse and narrative system of Chinese Olympic champions at the discourse level, and build the value chain of Chinese Olympic champion brand at the social level.
  • YAO Zong-yao, ZHU Wei-dong, WANG Yu
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2024, 44(2): 79-93.
    The modernization of traditional national sports is an important part of the realization of sports-style modernization, showing many characteristics of modernization in the field of sports and reflecting the general law of sports development in modernization. The new development concept is an important part of Xi Jinping’s thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and it is a powerful weapon to continue to promote the modernization of traditional national sports in the new era. This study puts forward the essence of people-centered development in the modernization of traditional national sports through literature analysis, logical analysis and other research methods, and the reality of modernization of traditional national sports implementing the new development concept is also discussed, Entering the new stage of development, advancing modernization requires the construction of a new development pattern, In the process of choosing and practicing the road, it is necessary to realize the transformation from the concept to the development road, so the new road of modernization of traditional national sports is manifested as follows: the road of innovation and development of modernization of traditional national sports、 the road of coordinated development of modernization of traditional national sports、 the road of green development of modernization of traditional national sports、 the road of opening up of modernization of traditional national sports ; the road of shared development of modernization of traditional national sports. The new road of modernization of traditional national sports that implements the new development concept is the expansion and advancement of the Chinese-style modernization road, which is to build a strong sports country and to take the road of independent and autonomous characteristics of national sports.