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  • ZHU Ji, GUO Qin, LV Shu-ting
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(2): 1-7.
    At present, building a philosophy and social sciences discipline system, academic system, and discourse system with Chinese characteristics based on Chinese practice is a major contemporary proposition that highlights the true power of contemporary Marxism, showcases China's cultural strength and international competitiveness. After 40 years of development, sports sociology research in China has achieved great results and made contributions to sports reform and development. However, the fundamental gap in the middle level theory, which is the core of the academic system, is quite prominent. This article takes literature research as the main method, and from the perspective of the construction of the academic system of sports sociology, outlines the history of the development of sports sociology in China. It clarifies that the construction of middle level theory is the only way to localize sports sociology, and proposes to practice academic consciousness, strengthen the disciplinary identity of researchers Exploring practical paths for the construction of middle level theories in sports sociology, such as building an academic community and promoting organizational guarantees for the construction of middle level theories.
  • WANG Kai-yuan, SONG Yu, LIU Dong-sheng, YOU Jing-yi
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(2): 95-102.
    National fitness facilities not only provide a place for all people to work out, but also provide a field for fitness seekers to seek social role identity. Questionnaires, interviews and qualitative comparative analysis were used to analyse the main factors influencing the efficiency of the use of national fitness facilities. The results show that no single factor is a sufficient condition for the continued use of fitness facilities by the public, but is the result of a combination of factors, among which peer effect, feedback channels, fitness environment and fitness expectations are the key factors affecting the efficiency of the use of fitness facilities. In order to better revitalize the stock of fitness resources, based on the analysis of the main factors influencing the use of national fitness facilities, it is proposed to strengthen top-level planning and design to promote the formation of a good fitness atmosphere, improve formal and informal information feedback mechanisms to enhance collaborative governance, build ecological fitness spaces embedded with multiple elements to meet diversified fitness needs, and enhance the public's active fitness through connotative development and outreach drive. The aim is to enhance the public's awareness of fitness through connotative development and outreach.
  • Xu Jin-fu, LI Wei
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(3): 92-101.
    The participation level of mass sports is of great significance to the construction of the sports power and a healthy China. As a place of daily life, community is one of the important environments that affect residents' physical exercise.Based on two waves of China Family Panel Studies , this paper analyzes the influence of neighborhood perception characteristics in 2016 on different levels of sports participation of urban residents in 2018. The results show that: the proportion of urban community residents who occasionally participate and regularly participate in physical exercise is 55.62%, more than 44.38% who do not participate。Compared with regional characteristics (public facilities, surrounding environment, surrounding security), social characteristics (neighborhood relationship, neighborhood help, community affection) have more significant positive effects in different degrees.Heterogeneity effect shows that, regional characteristics can significantly improve the level of occasional participation of male, youth and low-income groups, while the significant positive influence of social characteristics is more extensive.Based on the research, it is proposed that to promote the residents' sports participation at a higher level from the community level, we should not only pay attention to the regional characteristics, but also pay attention to the social characteristics.
  • ZHANG Yi-bo, TANG Jian-jun
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(3): 120-126.
    Objective: The technical and tactical performance of badminton players with different handed was compared to analyze the difference in game between different handed and two right-handed players, the difference in technical and tactical performance between left-handed and right-handed players and the influence of left-handed players on opponents (right-handed). Methods: Match observation method and mathematical statistics were used to analyze 40 high-level women's singles badminton matches, comparing the overall characteristics of the two groups and the differences in hitting positions, technique, routes and landing points of the four groups of players. Results: There is no significant difference in the average score per game, the average number of strokes per rally of two forms and the nature of scores and losses of four groups of players; There are significant differences in hitting positions, hitting techniques, hitting routes and hitting landing points between the groups of players. Conclusion: In the high-level women's singles badminton competition, the technique and tactic of the left-handed players are different from those of the right-handed players, which will also cause some changes in the opponent's technique and tactics, but the existence of the left-handed players does not change the overall scoring and hitting pattern in women's singles game. Due to the specificity of left-handed players, additional adaptive training for left-handed players should be added; It is best to treat the right-handed and left-handed players differently or adopt reasonable treatment methods to improve the accuracy of the analysis results.
  • ZHU Jin-yuan, HAN Hui-jun
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(3): 109-119.
    As one of the key industries in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), sports industry has ushered in a good opportunity to accelerate development under the new development pattern of double circulation, and presents a gathering development trend. This research uses the methods of literature analysis, interview, deduction and induction, explore the dynamic factors of sports industry agglomeration in GBA under the new development pattern of double cycle, reveal the driving mechanism of sports industry agglomeration, to provide theoretical and empirical reference for the formation and development of sports industry agglomeration in GBA under the new development pattern of double cycle. The results show that, under the new development pattern of double cycle, the dynamic factors of sports industry agglomeration in GBA mainly include five aspects: resource support, industrial supply, market demand, attraction of innovation factors and government regulation. From its driving mechanism, based on resource support and government regulation, through coordinated power generation and two wheel drive on both sides of supply and demand, unblock the internal circulation of the sports industry and drive the external circulation, at the same time, by creating an innovation driven highland “led by science and technology”, promote the transformation of regional sports industry agglomeration from factor driven to innovation driven, build a sports industry space system with sports industry agglomeration as the core.
  • WANG Cong-shuai, WU Wen-qiang, JIANG Quan-hu, HUANG Chen-xin
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 87-96.
    In order to investigate the influencing mechanism of marathon tour's revisit willingness, using the literature method logical analysis method and other methods, the airtical analyzed the influencing mechanism of tourists' revisit willingness by introducing the "push-pull" model, and basing on the four semiotics main lines of marathon tour's landscape symbols, consumption symbols, service symbols and project symbols. The results show that marathon tourism landscape symbols, consumption symbols, service symbols and program symbols have significantly positive effects on tourists' perceptions. Tourist perception has significantly positive effect on tourists' willingness to re-visit. Tourist perception plays a completely mediating role in the process of influencing mechanism of marathon tourism landscape symbols, consumption symbols, service symbols and program symbols with tourists' revisit intention. Tourism landscape symbols, consumption symbols, service symbols and program symbols constitute the pushing mechanism and pulling mechanism of tourists' perception. Tourist perception is also completely involved in the influencing mechanism of tourists' revisiting intention, which together constitutes the influencing mechanism of marathon tour revisit intention.
  • REN Zi-pan, KANG Yi-hao, YANG Hai-chen
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 115-128.
    Musculoskeletal injuries occurring during military personnel training have a profound impact on their service longevity, combat readiness, and mission performance. A scientific and comprehensive injury prediction approach and reasonable and individualized training regimens can significantly reduce musculoskeletal injuries among military personnel. International studies formulate multifaceted injury prediction strategies mainly through a combination of optimized functional movement assessments and physical fitness tests to identify and anticipate the injuries during military training. Paired with a pragmatic and tailored injury prevention training program including warm-up routines, adaptive exercises, and training load monitoring, these measures prove highly effective in preventing musculoskeletal injuries in military personnel, thereby safeguarding their sustainable combat capabilities. In light of these findings, it is recommended that domestic practices incorporate and adapt pertinent foreign injury prediction and prevention strategies and concepts based on the actual situation.
  • ZHU Liang, HUANG Ya-ling
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 1-12.
    On the basis of established research, combining the characteristics of China's governmental organizational behavior, we propose an integrative analytical framework for understanding the differences in the level of development of China's national fitness public services, and use fs/QCA to conduct a group analysis of the cases of the development of national fitness public services in China's 31 provincial regions, with the aim of revealing the complex interactive mechanism of the factors influencing the level of development of the national fitness public services, in order to seek differentiated driving paths to promote the high-quality development of national fitness public services. It is found that there is no single necessary condition that explains the results of the development of national fitness public services, whether for the development of high-level national fitness public services or for the development of low-level national fitness public services. There are three driving modes for the high-level development of national fitness public services in China, namely, "technology-enabled", "policy-fiscal balance" and "fiscal-technology synergy".
  • SHAO Kai
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 67-75.
    In order to study the issue of the training cycle of my country's “Three Big Balls” under the background of the integration of sports and education, the literature data method, logical analysis method, interview method and other research methods are used to discuss in depth the “Three Big Balls” in my country at this stage based on the life cycle theory. The cyclical problem of the whole chain of the training of reserve talents. Based on the in-depth analysis of the real difficulties in the training of reserve talents for competitive sports in the "Three Big Balls", the study puts forward the full chain cycle of talent training: basic training period, special growth period, professional docking period, ability jump period, and level stability period. Five specific training ideas are put forward. First, based on the basic training period of reserve personnel training, expand the number of "three big balls" reserve personnel; Second, based on the special growth period of the system to sort out the "three big balls" reserve talent delivery channels; Thirdly, explore the incentive mechanism of "three big Balls" reserve talents in combination with the career docking period of talent training; Fourth, relying on the "Sports Law" to achieve the "three big ball" reserve talent ability to improve the comprehensive guarantee; Fifth, from the perspective of life cycle to achieve the "three big balls" reserve talent level of stable period of continuation. This study aims at solving the realistic dilemma of the training of reserve talents in the professional process of our country, and provides support programs for the comprehensive revitalization of the "three big balls" in our country.
  • YAN Jin-hu, YU Xiao-mei, ZHANG Ye-an, SUN Hao
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 107-114.
    Sports health communication is an important way to promote the development of physical and mental health, which has far-reaching significance for comprehensively promoting the construction of a healthy China and improving people's well-being. In the present and future era of digital civilization, while enhancing technology dividends and empowering users, human-computer interaction may bring certain audience risks when it is integrated into sports health communication practice: language model relies on symbol generation communication, weakens tacit sports knowledge teaching,and Overshadowing the audience's physical cognitive practice; Simulation of neural network structure by deep learning, hinder the interaction of sports emotional experience, and promote the alienation tendency of audience emotion; Machine algorithm is used to strengthen iterative data analysis, eliminate the persistence of sports spirit and culture, and intensify the crisis of audience moral anomie. The construction of virtual space with meta-cosmic surreality fetters the communication of realistic meaning of sports and increases the hidden danger of audience’s cognitive ambiguity. Therefore, it is advocated to return to the embodied practice of sports health communication with body co-presence, promote the emotional communication of sports health communication with individual empathy, internalize the moral law of sports health communication with subject co-law, and construct the opinion market of sports health communication with group consensus, so as to achieve the future goal of promoting the all-round development of human health through sports health communication.
  • FU Qun, HU Zhi-ting
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 55-66.
    Promoting the revitalization of China's provincial sports enterprises after the epidemic is not only a realistic demand for the healthy and sustainable development and high-quality development of China's sports industry, but also a key area to promote the early development of China's sports industry as a pillar industry of the national economy. Using research methods such as literature review, grounded theory, and text analysis, this paper summarizes the practical difficulties and practical exploration of the revitalization of provincial sports enterprises in China, based on the research reports of 67 sports officials in Hubei Province. The study found that: the economic burden is too heavy, the brand competitiveness is not strong, professional talent is in short supply, operational capacity is insufficient, venue resource allocation is unbalanced, and the business environment is deteriorating. These are the practical difficulties for China's provincial sports enterprises to recover from the epidemic. Propose to strengthen fund supply to ensure normal operation; Optimize top-level design and create brand benefits; Strengthen talent support and drive innovative development; Build an operation platform to enhance management effectiveness; Deepen venue layout and revitalize existing resources; Strengthen policy support, optimize the business environment, and other coping strategy for the revitalization of provincial sports enterprises in China after the epidemic.
  • QIN Dan, YANG Jing, DU Cheng-run, WANG Zi-pu
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 13-23.
    The digital era provides new opportunities for the high-quality development of the sports industry, but the mechanisms through which digitalization level and institutional environment influence this development are not yet clear. Based on this, this study explores the impact of digitalization level on the high-quality development of the sports industry and the moderating effect of the institutional environment using panel data from 30 provinces (cities) in China from 2013 to 2021. The findings of the research are as follows: (1) The digitalization level can significantly promote the high-quality development of the sports industry, and this conclusion remains valid after a series of robustness tests. (2) Mechanism analysis shows that the institutional environment has a U-shaped moderating effect on the relationship between digitalization level and the high-quality development of the sports industry. (3) Regional heterogeneity analysis reveals significant regional differences in the promoting effect of digitalization level on the high-quality development of the sports industry. Specifically, compared to the eastern region, the positive effect of digitalization level on the central region is more significant, while it is not significant for the western region. Therefore, this study proposes suggestions for improving digitalization level, comprehensively optimizing the institutional environment, and promoting digital construction according to local conditions, in order to further promote the high-quality development of the sports industry.
  • SONG Wen-li, YAO Xiao-lin, WANG Yang, LI Zhi-peng, ZHANG Gui-hai
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 36-43.
    The sports industry is a green and sunrise industry, which is very consistent with the five dimensions of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing in China’s high-quality economic development. On the basis of in-depth analysis of the connotation of high-quality economic development, this paper discusses the five dimensional impact mechanism of sports industry on high-quality economic development, and then empirically tests the five dimensional impact mechanism through the coupling degree model. In the empirical process, the data from 2011 to 2020 were selected. Through the calculation of coupling degree and curve analysis, it was found that the change of coupling degree between the sports industry and the five dimensions of high-quality economic development reflects the increasingly close relationship between the two. Among them, the sports industry has the highest coupling degree with coordinated development, while the coupling degree with shared development is low. The empirical results show that in order to promote the high-quality development of China’s economy, we must increase the development of sports industry and increase the proportion of sports industry in the national economy.
  • WANG Ying-ying, DENG Wan-jin, Huang Xu-jia, Zuo Yi-fan
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 44-54.
    The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) emphasized the need to enhance the well-being of the people and improve the quality of life of the people. Leisure sports, as a mass sports activity engaged by people with rich lives in their leisure time, are developed in line with the pursuit of physical and mental health of the living body, in line with Healthy China and the National Fitness Strategy. This study adopts the method of literature and logical analysis to systematically analyze the opportunities and challenges encountered by leisure sports in improving people's livelihood and well-being, to determine the future direction and path according to the challenges, and to realize the reconstruction of leisure sports on people's livelihood and well-being. The research holds that leisure sports can continuously satisfy people's pursuit of a better life through the reconstruction of a sense of gain, happiness, and security. Meanwhile, the gradual improvement of the sports policy system, the continuous improvement of the health literacy of the whole people, the increasing requirements for the quality of life, more convenient sports venues and facilities, and the steady and harmonious development of the society have brought new opportunities for the development of leisure sports. However, a series of practical problems such as the imperfect sports equity guarantee system, lack of sense of gain, change of modern lifestyle, decline of happiness, obstruction of the operation mechanism of a better life, and diminished sense of security have also brought challenges to its development. In the future, we can open up a new path for the leisure sports industry by constructing a sports equity mechanism, making the sense of gain more substantial, improving life satisfaction, making happiness more secure, realizing the yearning for a better life, and making the sense of security more sustainable.
  • SHEN Xiao-xiang, ZHU Jin-yuan, Zhou Shaojun
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(2): 112-119.
    Under the background of building a sports power, technological innovation ability has become the main constraints that restrict the development of Chinese sports industry, strengthening the research on the optimization and implementation of industrial technology innovation policy is not only the key to the development of sports industry, but also happens at the right time. Using literature research methods, inductive and deductive methods, logical analysis methods, establish a dynamic game model of incomplete information with the government and sports enterprises as the main game subject, discuss and explain the strategic behavior of the two game subject in the process of optimizing and implementing industrial technology innovation policies from the perspective of dynamic games, provide a scientific basis for the government to rationally optimize the sports industry technological innovation policy and implement it well. Research shows that: in the process of optimization and implementation of technical innovation policy, the focus is to adjust the interest relationship between the government and sports enterprises, constrain the game behavior of these two core stakeholders. Furthermore, proposed a trinity-style industrial policy optimization path of “issue more detailed regulations on the promotion of sports industry, start the cleaning of lower level policy documents, and establish a linkage mechanism for the implementation of sports industry policies”, for optimizing the technological innovation policy of the sports industry and leading the sports industry to take the road of innovation drive, in order to promote the overall technological innovation level of our sports industry.
  • LIANG Jin-hui, CHEN Ting-ting, HAN Jia-hao, HE Xiao-ya
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(4): 24-35.
    The TOE framework is introduced, and the fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis method (fsQCA) is used to reveal how digital empowerment affects the governance performance of public services for national fitness. 31 provincial-level administrative regions in China are used as case samples, multiple configuration paths are constructed from three levels of technology, organization. The results show that: There are 6 configurations that produce high governance performance of national fitness, which include technology dependent mode, technology & financial resource driven mode, financial resource driven mode by mild policy promotion, organizational driven mode under soft external environment pressure, organizational driven mode under policy dependence, internal and external joint driven mode. The internal and external joint driven mode has played a more important role in promoting the high governance performance of national fitness. The financial resource driven mode by mild policy promotion and organizational driven mode under external environment pressure are followed by. There are multiple equivalent combinations in the process of digital improving governance performance for national fitness, and there is a substitution relationship between different factors. The financial resource capacity and attention allocation within an organization play important roles in achieving high governance performance in national fitness.
  • LIU Xin-ran, QING Shuang
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(3): 8-16.
    By aid of the method of document literature, in accordance with the theory of "comprehensive development of humans" of Marxism, review the value and significance of sports in it.Make a general survey of the theoretical formation and ideological implication of the theory of "comprehensive development of humans" of Marxism, The human development is not a development of one-sided,abnormal and single, but is a multiple dimensions development which contains physical power and intelligence, capability and demand, personality and freedom, wherein, sports is the important dimension for the "comprehensive development of humans". The theory of "comprehensive development of humans" is a historical evolution process of social formation, in the “human's mutual reliance”, sports is the revolt for slavery;in the "humans reliance on things", sports is the rescue for alienation;and in the "comprehensive development of individuals", sports is the important factor for life harmony and unity, which can make humans obtain the human character of "well-rounded person". Moreover, the internal drive of life triggers the demand of humans for sports;the life endowment seeks for the free and personalized sports capability;the life presentation advocates the sports practices in social relationship;and the life demonstration realizes the sports value of complete character, the "comprehensive development of humans" needs to give play to the special existing essence of humans while sports is the life establishment and survival choice to realize the "well-rounded person".
  • ZHAO Ben, ZHANG Qian, GAO Yuan-yuan, WANG Hui
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(3): 27-35.
    The cultivation of body consciousness is of great significance for strengthening the youth sports work and promoting students to play an active role in sports activities. By using the methods of literature, speculative research and logical analysis, on the basis of analyzing why it is difficult for teenagers in China to establish body consciousness, this paper points out the specific improvement strategies, found that: (1) In the context of sports, body consciousness is a mental state in which people perceive, pay attention to and care for themselves in the process of related behaviors, which can actively feedback sports practice. (2) Body consciousness is very important in the process of sports activities, but it is difficult for teenagers to recognize. The main reasons lie in three aspects: the original difficulty of "absent presence" of body, the disadvantage of lagging educational concept and the pain of alienation of lifestyle. (3) The urgent task to be solved in current youth sports and school sports is to focus on cultivating youth's physical awareness. Its basic strategy should be based on physical education as the logical main line, with opposing meditation as one body and two wings, compulsory sports as a necessary measure, qualitative evaluation as the main evaluation method, actively promoting the three-level linkage and cooperation of schools, families, and communities. If conditions permit, it is also possible to try to introduce fitness programs.
  • CHENG Xiang, WANG Liang
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(3): 102-108.
    Using research methods such as literature review and logical analysis, this paper analyzes the development characteristics, challenges, and response strategies of physical education in primary and secondary schools from the perspective of sports and health integration. Research suggests that the development of physical education in primary and secondary schools from the perspective of the integration of physical education and health shows the characteristics of emphasizing the improvement of students' active health awareness, highlighting the advantages of sports and health disciplines, and focusing on the integrated development of family, school, and community sports. From the perspective of the integration of physical education and health, the development of physical education in primary and secondary schools faces insufficient recognition of the value of health education, and the standardization and popularization of physical education and health education are facing difficulties; The content of school physical education courses is not perfect, and it is difficult to scientifically improve students' physical health; The lack of a sound physical education assessment mechanism, the long and arduous task of comprehensively promoting quality education, and the lack of smooth communication among schools, communities, and families pose an urgent challenge to the collaborative education of families, schools, and communities. To address the above challenges, we propose a top-level design to improve policy systems and promote the deep integration of physical education and health education in primary and secondary schools; Scientifically setting up school physical education curriculum content to comprehensively improve students' physical health; Improve the sports assessment mechanism, fully utilize the positive function of sports assessment, accelerate the structural reform of school sports supply side, and strengthen the response strategy of collaborative education effect between family, school, and society.
  • YANG Hong-chang, LIU Ya-yun
    Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 2023, 43(2): 103-111.
    While the platform economy has led the broadcast of professional sports events into a new field, it has also given rise to the problem of the monopoly of professional sports event broadcast platforms. Literature and logical analysis are used to explore the development status, monopoly problems, hazards and causes of professional sports event broadcasting platforms in China, and to propose monopoly governance. The study found that monopoly problems such as monopoly agreements, the concentration of operators that restrict the effect of competition, and abuse of dominant market position exist in professional sports event broadcasting platforms, causing serious negative effects in both vertical and horizontal markets for professional sports event broadcasting. The monopoly of professional sports event broadcasting platforms is caused by the monopoly of broadcasting rights resources in the upstream market causing the monopoly of users in the downstream market and then further solidifying the monopoly position through natural monopoly, which belongs to the two-round monopoly. To regulate the market competition behavior of professional sports event broadcasting platforms in China, the study proposes: rationally assessing the value of broadcasting rights and regulating the trading process of broadcasting rights; innovating platform monopoly supervision tools and guiding multiple subjects to collaborate in supervision; establishing an anti-monopoly alliance of broadcasting platforms to build benign competition relationship in the industry; drawing on the advanced international anti-monopoly experience and improving the platform monopoly governance recommendations in terms of applicability of relevant laws and regulations.