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2024 Volume 44 Issue 3
Published: 20 June 2024
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  • XIONG Huan, ZHU Mei
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    Based on literature research, this article provides a comprehensive review of the development trajectory, research achievements, and future trends of Chinese sports sociology since the reform and opening up. We have observed that Chinese sports sociology has undergone a process of evolution from its introduction and establishment phase to rapid growth and onto a phase of disciplinary introspection. During this period, research themes have become increasingly in-depth, diversified, and specific, with a particular focus on mass sports, sports and development, and sports and politics. These focal areas not only reflect the trends and societal demands of sports development during the period of social transformation but also highlight a profound concern for specific groups, social issues, and management systems. From a theoretical perspective, the analysis has evolved from early Marxism and functionalism to a mid-term integration of functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism, demonstrating significant interdisciplinary characteristics. The research methods have shown a trend from early quantitative approaches to an increasing application of qualitative research methods. Looking to the future, Chinese sports sociology should deeply integrate theory with practice, emphasizing the diversification of research methods to achieve a balanced development of humanistic care and scientific spirit. Simultaneously, it should continue to explore and innovate in the areas of sports discipline localization and internationalization, technology application, and interdisciplinary research. This is to adapt to the new demands of the era's development, promote the prosperity and progress of the sports discipline, and contribute its unique value to a broader academic knowledge domain.
  • ZHONG Li-ping, SONG Wan-xing, LONG Huan-yu
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    The emergence of short video platforms has given rise to sports short videos as a novel mode of communication, garnering substantial user attention. This study seeks to explore the determinants impacting user satisfaction with sports short videos in order to enhance the viewing experience and foster sustainable development. Through purposeful interviews with 40 sports short video users and analysis using grounded theory methodology, an influential factor model affecting user satisfaction was developed based on SOR theory. The findings reveal that subject factors, platform construction, and talent ability significantly influence user satisfaction, with subject factors serving as the direct driver of positive user reactions while platform construction and talent ability act as external stimuli. Based on these findings, it is recommended to meet users’ psychological expectations; enhance the quality of systems and resources within sports short video platforms; attend to users’ emotional needs; cultivate innovation and interactive consciousness among sports short video talents; bolster user engagement; optimize transmission paths and means for sports short video content.
  • WU An-yue, CHEN Ping, GAO Yi
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    Sports science and technology courtyard is a new path and a powerful starting point to empower the high-quality development of rural sports,It is a new model for sports-related colleges and universities to explore the high-quality development of education and rural sports.By using the methods of literature and logical analysis other research methods, this paper analyzes the model of high-quality development of rural sports empowered by sports science and technology courtyards. Research suggests, The value of the high-quality development of rural sports enabled by the science and technology courtyards is: Helpful to comprehensively promote the revitalization and development of rural areas, help the steady development of national fitness and the scientific development of rural sports events. On this basis, build a five-in-one development model of ‘’sports science and technology courtyard + rural sports industry, sports talents, sports culture, sports organization and sports governance’’, so as to empower rural sports industry to improve quality and efficiency, talent team construction, sports culture revitalization, improve sports social organization and enhance sports governance efficiency. Based on this, in order to further promote the high-quality development of rural sports empowered by sports science and technology courtyards, this paper puts forward the development path of implementing “three in place”, building “three platforms” and basing on “three points”.
  • HUANG Xin-hong, LIN Wen-tao, WENG Xi-quan
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    Objective: By observing the changes through motor mood, emotional state and5-Hydroxytryptamine(5-HT), dopamine(DA) of subjects in running with different loads, analysis the variation of different intensity exercise between the psychological indicators and neurotransmitter indexes, to explore the correlation between the two indexes, to provide the basis of psychological states and body functions by scientific diagnosis of the subjects. Methods: Taking fifteen healthy boys from Guangzhou Sport University as experimental subjects. They ran with four different loads: 60%VO2max, 70%VO2max, 80%VO2max, and 90%VO2max, 5 d/w, 1 h/d, and stayed 4 w. The BFS and subjective Exercise Experience tables were filled before experiments and after the weekly exercises, to test the mood and emotional state; blood was collected by fasting vein every Saturday morning before the experiments and after exercise, to measure the contents of serum 5-HT and DA. Results: 1) The two dimensions of positive mood (pleasantness and thoughtfulness) are the best after 70%VO2max exercise; The four dimensions of negative mood (anger, agitation, depression, and inactivity) were not in good condition after 90%VO2max exercise. 2) Exercise fatigue, positive happiness and psychological distress were the most obvious after 80%VO2max, 70%VO2max and 90%VO2max exercise. 3) The contents of serum 5-HT increased to different degrees in different load exercises, and was significantly increased after 70%VO2max exercise and 90%VO2max exercise. 4)There was a negative correlations between exercise fatigue and 5-HT contents, and a positive correlations between positive happiness and 5-HT contents; Exercise fatigue and psychological distress were negatively correlated with DA contents. Conclusion: 1)70%VO2max had positive emotions and high positive happiness after running. 90%VO2max exercise produced negative emotions and psychological troubles, suggesting that moderate load running can improve individual pleasure and thinking, high load running is easy to produce negative mood and adverse emotional reactions. 2) There is a correlation between individual emotional state indicators and serum 5-HT and DA contents. Taking blood neurotransmitters as research indicators, it is possible to analyze the changes of individual subjective emotions, which can provide experimental basis for individual scientific exercise and effective regulation of emotional states.
  • HUANG Yue, LI Yong, YE Ming, WU Ya-ting
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    The successful socialization of “partner” shows a social culture that is suitable for the development of sports in the new era. In the process of modernization, “partner socialization” has become the driving force of contemporary youth sports participation because of its characteristics of expecting companionship, strong sense of boundary and weak relationship. This change of sports participation mode is related to four factors: the maintenance of sports participation under the community of interest, the change of social mentality of sports participation under the trend of individualization, the change of sports participation mode under the transformation of modernization and the promotion of sports participation by digital empowerment. Facing the demand of youth sports participation in modern society, the construction of development orientation should start from regaining “neighborhood” and constructing sports life circle; Value guidance, rectifying social orientation; Avoid risks and be alert to social traps. As a new way to describe the social relations of China youth, the “partner” social interaction contributes to the vitality of sports culture, and may become a tiny window to explore the theory and practice of Chinese sports modernization.
  • LEI Lei, YANG Li-li, WANG Zi-pu
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    With the rapid development of technology and profound social changes, new productive forces have gradually become an important force driving innovation and upgrading in various industries. The rise of new forms of sports consumption and their deep integration with new productive forces have not only changed traditional sports consumption patterns but also brought new growth points and development opportunities to the sports industry. However, this process has also exposed many challenges and problems that urgently need further research and resolution. This article focuses on the application of new productive forces in new forms of sports consumption, systematically exploring their essential characteristics, implementation mechanisms, and profound impacts on the development of the sports industry. The study reveals the innovative, integrative, and driving core characteristics of new productive forces, especially digital technology, artificial intelligence, and big data. It also explores how these characteristics promote the deep integration of new productive forces with the sports industry, driving innovation and upgrading of sports consumption patterns. Meanwhile, this article also clarifies the key role of implementation mechanisms such as technological innovation, market-driven forces, and policy guidance in the application of new productive forces. To address challenges such as technological bottlenecks, market competition, talent shortages, and policy constraints faced during the application process, the study proposes specific development strategies such as strengthening technology research and development, deepening market research, optimizing talent training, and strengthening policy supervision. This study not only provides a new perspective for theoretical research in the sports industry but also offers practical guidance for innovative development in the sports industry, carrying significant theoretical and practical implications.
  • YANG Shi-cheng, CHEN Po, LIU Cong-zhong
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    The high-quality development of sporting goods trade is an important way to meet the people's needs for a better life and help China's sports industry become a pillar industry of the national economy under the new pattern of "double-loop", and it is also a strategic choice for realizing the construction of "sports power". Adopting the research methods of literature and logical analysis, on the basis of analyzing the current situation of the development of China's sporting goods trade, it elaborates the theoretical connotation of the high-quality development of China's sporting goods trade under the new pattern of "double-loop": the trade development structure is more optimized, the pattern of trade development becomes more balanced, the power of trade development is more efficient, and the outlook of trade development is more open. Openness. The challenges of high-quality development of China's sporting goods trade under the new pattern of "double cycle" are further discussed in depth: internal research and innovation is insufficient, sports consumption potential has not been fully released, and the industrial structure is uncoordinated and slow to be upgraded; and external sporting goods trade encounters "quality" and "quantity" problems. The external trade in sporting goods encounters "quality" and "quantity" development problems, regional disharmony in trade development, and a more complex international environment. Finally, based on the new pattern of "double cycle", we propose breakthrough paths from internal strengthening of independent innovation, stimulating consumption potential and deepening supply-side reform to external perfecting top-level design, expanding opening-up and optimizing trade environment, so as to strengthen the foundation of "double cycle" and promote the high-quality development of China's sporting goods trade.
  • WANG Zhe, WANG Jia-qi, CHEN Pei-jie, WANG Chen, LI Cheng-yi, CHEN Shu-qin
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    Objective: To explore the current impact of China’s youth athletes to accept the various factors of anti-doping education, in order to optimise China’s youth athletes anti-doping education to provide theoretical reference basis. Methods: Based on the self-developed Questionnaire on Factors Influencing Anti-Doping Education for Young Athletes, various factors influencing the acceptance of anti-doping education were analysed and the interrelationships between the influencing factors of different dimensions were explored. Results: This study found that there were highly significant differences in fun and recreation needs for sports and years of training, educational form for age, educational form and competitive development needs for sports level; also, the fit of the indicators for each dimension was good, and educational content, behavioural attitudes of others, and competitive development needs were the secondary influences with the largest weight share in the cognitive, interpersonal, and motivational dimensions, respectively; The model fit was highest when the cognitive dimension was used as a moderating variable. Conclusion: Optimising anti-doping education for young athletes in China should be based on the main lines of educational content and educational forms, following the laws of physical and mental development of young athletes, while expanding the scope of education in order to achieve the desired effect of anti-doping education.
  • LIU Jia-yun, WANG Hong
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    This paper empirically tests the short-term effect of sports policy documents on the sports capital market and the effectiveness of the release of sports policy documents on the capital market through the method of literature, event research and mathematical statistics. Through the empirical test, it is found that the introduction of relevant sports documents will promote the stock price of relevant listed companies in the sports capital market to increase, expand the market value, increase the capital market value, and obtain a relatively higher average cumulative excess return (CAAR) than other indexes in the same period. This phenomenon has a certain continuity and shows a significant effect. In particular, the "13th Five-Year Plan" for the development of the sports industry, the "Guide to the Construction of the Sports Standard System (2018-2020)" and the "Outline for the construction of a powerful sports country" three documents have performed significantly. In terms of sustainability, the document "Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of sports industry and Promoting sports consumption" has a sustained impact on the sports capital market. At the same time, sports policy will also have a certain short-term negative impact on the sports capital market.
  • CHEN Yong, MA Chao-qun, ZHENG Song-bo, LI Zhao-wei
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    Objective: To explore the intervention effect of Tai Chi push hand(TCPH) exercise on knee osteoarthritis (KOA).Method: 50 KOA patients were recruited from the community and randomly divided into control group(N1=25)and TCPH group(N2=25). The control group received unsupervised exercise rehabilitation guidance; TCPH group received rehabilitation training mainly focused on Tai Chi Pushing Hands, with 3 sessions per week for 90 minutes each time. Before and after 12 weeks of intervention, test data were collected from two groups of patients for pain visual analogue scale (VAS), Lysholm knee score scale(LKSS), lower limb strength, Y-balance test (YBT), and Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) .Result: Before intervention, there was no statistical difference in all indicators between the control group and the TCPH group. After 12 weeks of intervention, there was no statistically significant difference in all indicators before and after the control group (P>0.05). The VAS, LKSS, lower limb strength, and YBT results of the TCPH group were significantly better than before the intervention (P<0.001). The scores of depression, anxiety, and stress on the DASS-21 scale were lower than before the intervention, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); After 12 weeks of intervention, compared with the control group, the TCPH group showed significant differences in VAS, LKSS, and YBT results (P<0.001); There was a statistically significant difference in the comparison of lower limb strength and the three dimensions of the DASS-21before and after (P<0.05).Conclusion: The Tai Chi Pushing Hand Exercise Program can reduce the degree of knee joint pain, improve knee joint function, dynamic balance, and mental health in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
  • WU Wen-ting, ZOU De-xin, JING Huan-juan
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    This paper uses the three-dimensional critical metaphor analysis framework proposed by Charteris-Black to analyze 156 reports on Chinese Olympic champions in People's Daily in 1984-2022 to reveal the metaphorical model of the identity construction of Olympic champions. Studies found that the report using structure metaphor, ontology metaphor and bearing metaphor three kinds of metaphor type and 21 seed type to construct the Olympic champion multiple identity, which using war and human metaphor construction metaphor construction for the hero, the journey of Chinese sports spirit practitioners, animal and natural metaphor construction of sports culture, cultural metaphor construction of Chinese sports heritage, entity and container metaphor construct healthy life suitors of identity. The publicity of the sports propositions of the Party and the country, the dissemination of socialist core values, the shaping of China’s national image and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind are the social drivers for the formation of the metaphorical model. Under the background of the new era and new journey, the optimization strategy of the identity construction of Olympic champions is proposed: to enrich the language means of reporting Chinese Olympic champions at the text level, innovate the discourse and narrative system of Chinese Olympic champions at the discourse level, and build the value chain of Chinese Olympic champion brand at the social level.
  • LIU Feng-jie, DU Cong-xin, CHEN Chuan-liang
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    Professional basketball clubs’ exclusive signing right clause has played a positive role in protecting the clubs’ initial investment and enhancing the competitiveness of the club. However, the clause also faces many problems and dilemmas, which has caused many disputes in practice. From the perspective of labour law, the paper adopted the method of text analysis and normative analysis to examine the legal status of the exclusive signing right clause and its interaction with players’ rights to free choice of employment. It finds that the exclusive signing right clause faces many problems such as l insufficient legal basis and legal-binding effect, conflicts with the term of ‘service period’, and excessive restrictions on workers’ free right to choose employment. In order to ensure players’ rights to free choice of employment and to enhance clubs’ sustainable competitiveness, the paper makes suggestions on the exclusive signing right clause such as promoting legislation, relaxing the constraints, strengthening collective consultation, and applying the term of ‘service period’.
  • CHEN Hao, LIANG Zhe, AI An-li, YANG Ling
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    Preventing Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)/Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in athletes is an urgent challenge for the global cardiology community. This study used the methods of literature and logical reasoning to demonstrate and explore the application of electrocardiogram (ECG) screening in European and American athletes to prevent SCA/SCD and identify the causes and types of myocardial diseases to provide disease signs. As a routine diagnostic tool, the sensitivity and specificity of ECG screening are obviously higher than that of medical history and physical examination only, and the diagnostic criteria of ECG provide pathological information for the final screening.Establishing a “quantitative index” stratified by risk of disease symptoms can not only identify myocardial injury and Exercise-Induced Cardiac Remodeling (EICR), but also provide reference for rehabilitation and return to play (RTP). Based on this, it is suggested to formulate and improve the health management guidelines for Chinese athletes applying ECG screening to prevent SCA/SCD from four aspects, such as group diagnostic criteria, global communication and cooperation, clinical practice skills and intelligent medical technology, and And then construct the related system of prevention of myocardial disease and competitive training.